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- 精品炒菜
- 家常小炒
- 盖饭
a10143萝卜烧牛腩小份 small Radish and beef brisket₱420.00-+加入购物车
a10142红烧肥肠小份Small Braised Pork Intestines Small₱420.00-+加入购物车
a10141水煮肉片小份Small Sliced meat in Hot Chili Oil₱380.00-+加入购物车
a10140水煮牛肉小份Small Sliced Beef in Hot Chili Oil₱420.00-+加入购物车
a10139麻辣肥肠鱼小份Small Pig large intestine and fish₱420.00-+加入购物车
a10138麻辣水煮鱼小份Small Sliced Fish in Hot Chili Oil₱380.00-+加入购物车
a10137酸菜鱼小份Small Fresh pepper fish₱380.00-+加入购物车
m10074酸汤肥牛小 Small Sour Soup Fat Beef₱360.00-+加入购物车
a10136外婆菜炒鸡蛋盖饭small Grandma's Fried Eggs with Vegetables₱280.00份-+加入购物车
a10117烟笋炒肉盖饭small Fried Pork with Smoked Bamboo Shoots₱320.00-+加入购物车
a10110蒜苔炒腊肉盖饭small Stir fried preserved pork with garlic sprouts₱360.00份-+加入购物车
a10108韭黄炒蛋盖饭small Fried Eggs with Yellow Chives₱380.00份-+加入购物车
a10106韭黄炒肉丝盖饭small Fried Shredded Pork withYellow Chives₱390.00份-+加入购物车
a10103辣椒炒猪头肉盖饭small Stir fried pork head with chili peppers₱280.00份-+加入购物车
a10067烟笋炒腊肉盖饭Small Fried bacon with bamboo shoots₱320.00份-+加入购物车
a10065小炒牛肉盖饭small Stir fried beef₱320.00份-+加入购物车
a10069花菜炒肉盖饭Small Dry pot Cauliflower₱280.00份-+加入购物车
a10070土豆片炒肉盖饭Small Dry pot Potato chips₱320.00份-+加入购物车
a10071辣椒炒肉盖饭Small Stir fried meat with chili₱280.00份-+加入购物车
a10072回锅肉盖饭Small Twice-cooked pork₱300.00份-+加入购物车
a10073鱼香肉丝盖饭Small Yu-Shiang Shredded Pork₱280.00份-+加入购物车
a10074青椒肉丝盖饭Small Sauteed Shredded Pork with Green Pepper₱320.00份-+加入购物车
a10075蒜苔炒肉丝盖饭Small Shredded pork with garlic₱300.00份-+加入购物车
a10076土豆丝炒肉丝盖饭Small shredded pork with shredded potatoes₱320.00份-+加入购物车
a10077茄子炒肉丝盖饭Small Fried shredded pork with eggplant₱260.00份-+加入购物车
a10078杏鲍菇炒肉盖饭Small Fried shredded pork with Pleurotus eryngii₱280.00份-+加入购物车
a10079黄瓜炒肉盖饭Small Sliced pork with cucumber₱280.00份-+加入购物车
a10081麻婆豆腐盖饭Small Mapo Tofu₱260.00份-+加入购物车
a10084红烧猪脚盖饭Small Braised pork feet in brown sauce₱320.00份-+加入购物车
a10086黄瓜炒蛋盖饭Small Cucumber and egg₱220.00份-+加入购物车
a10087青椒炒蛋盖饭Small Egg with green pepper₱220.00份-+加入购物车
a10089火腿肠炒蛋盖饭Small Scrambled eggs with ham and sausage₱220.00份-+加入购物车
a10090青椒土豆丝盖饭Small Shredded potato with green pepper₱280.00份-+加入购物车
a10091酸辣土豆丝盖饭Small sour and spicy shredded potatoes₱280.00份-+加入购物车
a10092虎皮尖椒盖饭Small Pan-Seared Green Chili Pepper₱320.00份-+加入购物车
a10094手撕包菜盖饭Small Fried cabbage₱220.00份-+加入购物车
a10096肉沫茄子盖饭Small Yu-Shiang Eggplant₱240.00份-+加入购物车
a10097西红柿炒蛋盖饭small Scrambled egg with tomato₱210.00份-+加入购物车
a10100火爆肥肠盖饭small Fried Pork Intestines₱320.00份-+加入购物车
a10112肉沫粉条盖饭small Meat foam sweet potato noodles₱300.00份-+加入购物车